Recent Announcements
Chairperson SPSC
Our hallmark is “Excellence driven by Passion!“ Our paramount aim is to rejuvenate the perception and image of Sindh Public Service Commission by leaving no stone unturned in restoring people’s confidence in the functioning of SPSC, transparency and meritocracy in making recommendations to the government and above all fairness and impartiality while conducting recruitment process.
We are fully geared up to uphold ethics and our core values (Professionalism, Teamwork, Confidentiality and innovation) by strictly adhering to good management practices and responsive services to the people of Sindh. We believe in strengthening the capacity of our human resource to meet modern days daunting challenges through extensive trainings, modern technology and equipping them with quantitative/ qualitative management tools. We are sanguine that in a short span of time we will transform SPSC into a dynamic, vibrant and efficient Public Service Commission of our beloved country.

Recent Announcement

Major Activities of Sindh Public Service Commission

Following are the major functional tasks of the Commission for various Departments of Sindh as per laid down procedures mentioned in Recruitment Management Regulations of SPSC.

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